ICPI Elects New Officers and Board Members
Taking the helm of ICPI is newly elected Board Chair, Marshall Brown, PhD. Marshall is the President and CEO of ACM Chemistries, Inc., a leading manufacturer and distributor of chemical admixtures and treatments for machine-made concrete products. He has over 25 years of experience in the masonry and hardscapes industry.
Other officers elected include Paul Pignatelli, Chair-elect, Best Way Stone, Ed Fioroni, PhD, Secretary/Treasurer, Keystone Hardscapes and Kendall Anderegg, Immediate Past Chair, Mutual Materials.
The Board of Directors elected and appointed at the Annual Meeting include Joshua Barnes, Permaloc Corporation, Sue Borgert, Borgert Products, Zach Boyd, ACM Chemistries, Conor Cooper, Anchor, an Oldcastle Company, Jesse Cravath, Rochester Concrete Products, Charles Gamarekian, Cambridge Pavers, Terri Grulke, Besser Company, Manfred Herold, Browns Concrete Products, Roberto Nicolia, Sr., Nicolock Pavingstones, Claude Picard, Oaks Concrete Products and Lincoln Pavia, Techo-Bloc. The incoming chairs of the standing committees who serve as ex-officio directors include Trevor Fearn, Education Committee Chair, Mutual Materials, Joe Kerrigan, Technical Committee Chair, Basalite, Mike Mueller, Dues & Bylaws Committee Chair, TEKA NA and Jose Diaz, Meetings, Membership and Trade Show Committee Chair, MASA NA.