Permeable Design Pro for Hydrologic & Structural Design of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavements

Design permeable interlocking concrete pavement for pedestrian areas, parking lots, alleys and streets, the most durable and repairable permeable pavement surface. American or metric versions include an extensive documentation and help library, as well as on-screen, mouse-over advice. Software includes input error-trapping for learners. Purchase license and download the program from Program automatically updates via the Internet. Design professionals with projects may obtain the program from ICPI members and ICPI Foundation supporters. Contact ICPI for details.

Inputs: Site configuration, contributing drainage area and surface(s), slope, curve numbers and roughness; library of SCS-type rainfall events (2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100-year) for US or from Environment Canada for Canadian projects; optional user-provided rainfall events; traffic loads (ESALs) for parking lots or streets; soil strength (MR, CBR or R-value) and infiltration rate; base/subbase aggregate gradations; underdrain(s) diameter, slope and spacing; and antecedent rainfall depths within the subbase.

Outputs: Base/subbase porosity and thicknesses based on storage hydrograph flows; storage and outflow volumes; curve numbers and runoff coefficients; structural subbase thickness  up to 1 million ESALs; CAD output cross section of design solutions with/without underdrains, exportable to project drawings. Print or save input/output reports as a pdfs and numeric hydrographs as Excel files.

Uses non-proprietary FHWA Drainage Requirements in Pavements software for hydrologic analysis (water balance); structural design based on AASHTO 1993 Guide for Design of Pavement Structures soon to be updated to UC Davis/Caltrans design tables based on full-scale load testing and mechanistic analysis as reported here and as in the ASCE/ANSI T&DI Standard Guide for Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavements covering design, construction and maintenance.